Tag: Unique

  • Club-Mate – Refreshing Perfection

    With Coca-Cola making screaming profits of their over one-hundred year old idea, “Where ever the customer may be, there is a shop with Coca-Cola nearby”. It’s difficult to dare trying anything new. Something completely new and based of something you (probably) never had heard of. Have a twist-cap, glass bottle of Club-Mate. Club-Mate is a…

  • What is Life?

    What is Life?, or rather, how do you Defy life? It is a tricky concept to get your head around, with many possibilities for answers, but with little understanding of them. Life can mean simple unintentional movement, to complex living organisms. They both exist, which of them gets the cake?

  • Beneficial

    We’re all Beneficial to your cosmic greed, whether we like it or not. It’s the way of the universe, disobey and the whole system collapses. There seems to be no end to your gluttonous behavior, you stand out, acting like no one else, you are unique. All of the movement and cosmic life around you,…

  • Unique and Dangerous

    You are a creature of two worlds, both loved and hated. Loved for your uniqueness, measuring ability and giving light. Hated for your harmful effects, silence and deceiving appearance. People wondered for centuries how and why you act and behave the way you do, we now know, and the result was far from pleasant.