Tag: Raspberry Pi

  • How To: TOTP 2FA Linux SSH Using Google-Authenticator

    Using only a username and password for authentication is no longer secure. With user-database dumps reaching millions of exposed, albeit hashed and salted, passwords. Secure authentication should include not only something you know, but also something you have (in your pocket… always). There have been several OTP and general 2FA solutions for Linux. From SMS…

  • GPIO Sensors Fun – Keyes DS18b20 1-Wire for the Raspberry Pi

    I’ve been using my Raspberry Pi as a replacement for another bulky server/heating element I used two years ago. Since then, the Credit Card sized hardware with it’s 8 Gigabyte SD-card, has endured the role of a NTP, DNS, OpenVPN, HTTP and SSH-terminal server. With no crashes or slowdowns (within expectable limits) to speak of,…