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Tag: Microsoft

  • Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Hosting your own registry is one thing, but deploying a “runner” or similar (including all of the associated infrastructure) may be overkill for your project. Luckily, GITHub (Mirco$oft) has you covered. All you need is: A project with Dockerfile Hosted on GITHub in a repo A Docker registry (private or DockerHUB account is fine) First,…

  • Fedora 13, Ready to boot

    Fedora 13 is Red Hats development distribution and it’s here where you will find the latest code, the latest applications and the newest bugs. The distro is aimed towards a skilled Linux user and experts who want to play around. Theres allot of new features in Fedora 13. On the desktop side of things theres…

  • My Thoughts On Linux

    What’s peppoj’s take on Linux? Well, i have to say that i don’t use Linux very much these days, but i used to be a full time Linux user. These days i use either Mac 10.6 for work and Windows XP for games and rarely boot up Linux, however i find the Linux community quite…