GPIO Sensors Fun – Keyes DS18b20 1-Wire for the Raspberry Pi
I’ve been using my Raspberry Pi as a replacement for another bulky server/heating element I used two years ago. Since then, the Credit Card sized hardware with it’s 8 Gigabyte…
The World Will Turn If You're Ready or Not
I’ve been using my Raspberry Pi as a replacement for another bulky server/heating element I used two years ago. Since then, the Credit Card sized hardware with it’s 8 Gigabyte…
For me, SSH has replaced three very flaky protocols. Telnet (true story) for an networked shell, FTP handling simple file transfers and finally NFS mounting network attached storage. SSH provides…
Using NetCat to upload files can sometimes be handy, however it would be awesome if you could track the upload ETA and not just stare patiently for a prompt. PV,…
Linux and networking go hand in hand, whether running on the fancy desktop or noisy server. Regardless of which packages you choose to install, chances are, that they require networking…
When downloading large files in Linux, wget gets the job done but isn’t very fast. When speed is of the issue, a multi-connection tool is needed. That is where axel,…