Tag: dark

  • Strength in Character

    There are some people in the world today who are weak minded. That is, let their emotion and passion control their life. The strong character has the unique ability to control them. And to develop Integrity, Courage, Fortitude, Honesty and Loyalty in them selves. That’s the true Strength in Character.

  • Dominant Gene

    I am the Dominant Gene. Your futile attempts on gaining the crowd, and proving me wrong gets you nowhere. Your head is full of words and facts, you utter them to the best of your abilities, hoping something will gain you ground. You fail miserably, you don’t know half of what you are saying means.…

  • Yin and Yang

    I did by no means write this text, I accidentally found it while searching them interwebbz for something completely different… The post is titled: Gender: The Masculine and Feminine Principles and I found it on a blog called: Virtual Synapses. I selected the part of the post explaining the meaning of Yin and Yang. Enjoy!