Category: Sensitive

  • Nasty Sugar-pills

    When you feel bummed-out, and search for light in the darkness, you’ll find allot of entities promise you the moon. With few and, often, cherry-picked values from an otherwise sadistic doctrine. Allowing other people make you Feel Better is healthy, unless its done with an uncritical mind and faith-based claims. You may find, in the…

  • Kill with Kindness

    Every good-hearted human being sometimes feel the need to help out, with good intentions and unexpectant of any possible rewards. It could be anything, such as: Donating hard-earned cash, helping a friend in need or giving valuable advice. Its such a strange thing, to feel better while depleting your resources. However, as with allot of…

  • Concrete Existence

    When religion dies out, mankind still needs some form of fantasy to cling to. In the form of literature, film and comics. The difference being that the works are meant to be, just that, fantasy. Some still feel the need to adhere to their made up comfort zone, and do the necessary mental gymnastics. Callings…

  • Pride in Ignorance

    Individuals experiencing religious dogma, or ignorant labourers blindness of obvious flaws in their legislation. Every single quote in a book older than you and your entire generation, is the ultimate truth. Past, present and future. The righteous, democratic act of a workers union, sets the example for the group. Whereas the individual effort for change,…

  • Pitiful Existence

    To find that you have reached the top of your mental landscape, is like drowning in the sea of eternal suffering. You are painfully aware that you can go no further, the seemingly endless creativity had a limit to it’s capacity. You are running on empty, there are only fumes left. There is nothing more…