Author: root

  • Running Counter-Strike 1.6 Server on Docker

    Running Counter-Strike 1.6 Server on Docker

    Counter-Strike 1.6 is a classic first-person shooter game that is still enjoyed by many players. If you want to set up a dedicated server for Counter-Strike 1.6 using Docker, this guide will walk you through the process step by step. 1. Install Docker: Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. Docker is available…

  • How to Run Multiple Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners on the Same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine

    How to Run Multiple Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners on the Same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine

    This guide provides a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to set up and run several self-hosted GitHub Actions runners on the same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine (VM). This setup allows for increased flexibility and customization in your continuous integration and deployment workflows. Note: Ensure you replace all placeholder text (e.g., projectname, githubuser, YOUR_UNIQUE_CHECKSUM, YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN) with your specific details. Prerequisites Ensure…

  • DockerCTX, Switch Context like KubeCTX

    DockerCTX, Switch Context like KubeCTX

    Rewrite of ahmetb’s “kubectx” utility. The dockerctx application is a command-line tool designed to make it easier to manage Docker contexts. Docker contexts allow you to switch between different Docker hosts and environments, making it possible to manage multiple Docker environments with a single Docker CLI. This is particularly useful for developers and DevOps…

  • MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    Deploying a small MinIO deployment with Nginx as a reverse proxy is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deploying MinIO with Nginx as a reverse proxy on a Linux system. Step 1: Install and configure NginxThe first step is to install…

  • Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot Sieve is a powerful email filtering tool that allows you to automatically sort, move, or even delete emails based on predefined rules. Here’s how you can use Dovecot Sieve to filter emails based on specific criteria: Step 1: Create a sieve script Create a new sieve script by opening a text editor and saving…