Docker – Useful CURL:s For Querying Private Registry

Keep it minimal, who needs a fancy GUI for your Docker Registry when you have, CURL? 😉

Get all container images from registry:

~# curl -X GET -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://dockerreg.tld/v2/_catalog

Example output:


List all tags for container image:

~# curl -X GET -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://dockerreg.tld/v2/<CONTAINERIMAGE>/tags/list

Example output:


TIP, combine the curl with -s and jq for pretty output:

~$ curl -s -X GET -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://dockerreg.tld/v2/_catalog | jq
  "repositories": [
~$ curl -s -X GET -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://dockerreg.tld/v2/<CONTAINERIMAGE>/tags/list | jq
  "name": "myip",
  "tags": [

Keep it CURL:in ?

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