When I deploy a new Ubuntu Server, I automatically get this thing called “Snapd”. What is it, some package manager? Whatever it is, I don’t need it on my server.
Here’s how to remove it:
First, check if you have some Snap packages installed:
~$ snap list
Second, Remove (if any) installed Snap packages
~$ sudo snap remove <package>
[sudo] password for user:
Third, Stop the Snap SystemD service
~$ sudo systemctl stop snapd
Warning: Stopping snapd.service, but it can still be activated by:
Fourth, Uninstall Snapd
~$ sudo apt remove --purge --assume-yes snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap
Fifth, Remove Snapd from Home
~$ rm -rf ~/snap/
Sixth, Remove Snapd cache
~$ sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/
Enjoy ?