Swinging Rock, Smooth Blues – Creedence Clearwater Revival
It’s only quite recently I started listening to CCR, but they’ve been jammin’ in the background through my childhood. With my mother born in the 1950s, there’s occasionally been *Green…
The World Will Turn If You're Ready or Not
It’s only quite recently I started listening to CCR, but they’ve been jammin’ in the background through my childhood. With my mother born in the 1950s, there’s occasionally been *Green…
for i in fil{1..1000} do touch $i echo “==========Hello world, im here, im ready==========” > $i done Result…
As with any application in Linux, piping the output from an application to a logfile or perhaps another application. Can sometimes clarify what is going on. It would be even…
Sometimes you need to add a handy time-stamp to your bash output. For back-up purposes, archiving-purposes or just for experimenting. Doing so is simple, you just need to add the…
Best concert of my life! Coldplay @ Stockholm Stadion, 2012