All Good Things are Wild and Free
I have been unable to trace the source of this quote, but thats not the point. What this quote means to me is: The simple mantra of a beautiful girl who means the world to me.
A new Uranium bond is created, record earnings on Adsense, a supposed meteor-shower behind the clouds. All great news which speak to me, but not as much as what happened on this day in August, 94.
On this day, a few years ago -eighteen years to be exact ;)- a new, pure and untouched soul entered this world. Whom I’ve had the honor to share a few months of my life and deeply personal secrets and qualities with, this eventful summer. I don’t regret a single disclosure.
Now her stasis in society suddenly has mor individual rights, and obligations. The first chance in an lifetime to prove her maturity, to the rest of the world. With new goals, crossroads and speedbumps ahead. I’ll be more than happy to share the experience with her, difficult or not.
With my hand tightly holding hers, swinging our arms back and forth, as we walk along towards new adventures.
Grattis på 18-årsdagen Ida!!