This is a traceback to an old post made back in 2007, it’s about what used to be “High quality FLV“, you can find the post HERE.

Let’s say you want to watch a video in that classic old low resolution flv format that used to be common on the web -or- you may want to upload videos to your site, but have limited disk space. Then this is your answer, ffmpeg flv conversion, it’s a simple command string that can turn ANY video in ANY format into low resolution flv, using ffmpeg of course:

ffmpeg -i (input file) -ar 22050 -ab 56k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -r 25 -f flv -b 400k -s 320×240 -aspect 4:3 (output file).flv

ffmpeg -i (input file) -ar 22050 -ab 56k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -r 25 -f flv -b 400k -s 320×180 -aspect 16:9 (output file).flv

As you can see, I have put both “Full screen” and “Wide screen” options. Their use should be obvious.

NOTE: If you are having trouble with “libmp3lame not found” then replace it with just “mp3

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