Tag: true

  • Strength in Character

    There are some people in the world today who are weak minded. That is, let their emotion and passion control their life. The strong character has the unique ability to control them. And to develop Integrity, Courage, Fortitude, Honesty and Loyalty in them selves. That’s the true Strength in Character.

  • True Appreciation and the Act of Giving

    Nothing will last forever. Friendships, Partners, Parents, Brothers and Sisters. Like everything in nature they will, like you, one day go away. Therefore it is important to show True Appreciation and practice the Act of Giving. Not once, not twice. But the whole time you spend with these wonderful individuals.

  • Contrast

    Everyone has a choice. A or B, perhaps C?. The two dimensional nature of our being leaves us with a simplistic, symmetric structure. Two eyes, two ears. Two arms, two legs and two brain halves. There are deep thinking philosophers, or perhaps daring people, who chose to take the Middle Path. And ignore the obvious…