Tag: bad

  • Wise and Foolish

    Before God we are equally Wise, and equally Foolish – Albert Einstein. The concept of a society where everyone follows the same rules, the same morals and the same spirituality, sounds peaceful and simple. Everyone is fighting the Good fight, and keep making the same mistakes.

  • Contrast

    Everyone has a choice. A or B, perhaps C?. The two dimensional nature of our being leaves us with a simplistic, symmetric structure. Two eyes, two ears. Two arms, two legs and two brain halves. There are deep thinking philosophers, or perhaps daring people, who chose to take the Middle Path. And ignore the obvious…

  • Bad Boy

    You have your own hopes and dreams, You are active in everything you do, You are the leader of the tribe. You are independent of any needs and emotions, You do everything you feel is right, You are emotionally strong, You don’t like something just because you don’t like it. You are a Bad Boy